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total solution for mobility
矯形腳托 Ankle foot orthosis
Intro to Podiatry
Diabete Footcare
How to choose right shoe?

Podiatry is a profession specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of disorder of the lower limb and the foot. Podiatrist in Hong Kong usually undergo training oversea in the United Kingdom, Australia or USA. Common foot disorder found in ankle and foot can be successfully treated by podiatrist. Our wide variety services cover : Children’s footcare, Elderly walking problem and footcare service, People with foot pain, People suffer from chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, gout, stroke
足病診療是一門專門的醫學,足病診療師所受的訓練包括足部及下肢護理的所有範圍。認可的足病診療師需於英國、美國或澳洲等地接受三年或以上全日制足病科大學或文憑課程, 並經有關的臨床實習訓練。足病診療師專門理解及治療種種足部及足棵上的問題, 並提供一站式綜合性的診治服務給腳疾患者。我們負責為患者檢查、診斷、給予適當的治療及處方各種醫療器具以加速雙腳的復原。我們的治療目標是緩和患處的痛楚、增強患者的活動能力和自立性。


We are specialized in the treatment of common foot disorders such as:
Nails disorder:
Fungal nails, thickened and deformed nails, Ingrown toe nail
Skin Problem:
Corn & Callus, Tinea Pedis , Wart, Ulcer, Varicose Vein
Joint Deformity:
Bunion, Claw Toe, Flat Feet, High Arch Feet
Biomechanical disorder and pain:
Heel and Foot Pain, Heel Spur, Neuroma, Plantar Fasciitis, Metatarsalgia,
Diabetic Footcare:
Diabetic Complication such as Sensory and Vascular change and diabetic foot care service
Functional orthrosis:
A Variety of different kind of functional orthrosis and accommodative insole will be tailor made for your feet

腳甲病患 灰甲 / 癬甲 / 厚甲 / 變形厚甲 / 陷甲 / 甲底潰瘍等
皮膚病患 厚繭及雞眼 / 乾燥爆柝 / 香港腳 / 足癬 / 皮膚疣 / 皮膚潰瘍 / 疤痕結繭 / 靜脈曲張引致皮膚敏感和潰瘍等
下肢結構病患 扁平足 / 高弓足 / 糖尿足 / 姆趾外翻 / 腳趾變形 / 腳底筋膜炎等 / 足跟痛等
We welcome enquiry of your foot problems and individual treatment plan will be discussed with you and tailor made for your need.

兒童足部護理 Children Footcare
Many children have the problem of easily fall on walking and complaint of foot ache after exercise and walking. This can be due to the foot disorders in their feet. Flat feet, In-toeing gait, Out-toeing gait are commonly found. We will carry out biomechanical examination of their feet. Stretching exercise and functional orthrosis can be prescribed. Skin problems such as wart and ingrown toe nails are also commonly found in children.

我們的雙腳伴隨我們一生!及早發現兒童足部問題或足部功能性問題,從而加以處理,能防止成長日後的足部問題:如內八字腳,外八字腳,扁平足,內膝關節痛楚,經常跌倒,小腿痛楚等, 給予孩子健康的雙腳。經由足病診療師特定的診斷及評估並配置度身訂造的足部矯形鞋墊或運動治療,以上種種的足部問題都可以得到解決。


長者足部護理 Senior Footcare
One study show over 80% of elderly population is affected by one or more kind of foot disorders which hinders their daily activities. These problems seriously affect their walking ability and frequently caused pain during walking. These include joint and toe deformity, arthritic change, atrophic change of skin and bone, Nails disorders such as fungal nails, thickened and deformed nails, pressure lesion such as corn and callus. These deformities can seriously affected their daily life. Our aims is to increase the mobility of the elderly and to alleviate their pain during walking and help them to live a healthy and active life.

根據最近一項研究發現每一百名長者就有八十人有不同種類的足部問題。其中足部厚繭、雞眼, 厚甲及灰甲問題更是普遍。而足部關節變形或退化性關節炎都可引致長者足部痛楚及勞傷,這些問題若果處理不當可以引致更嚴重的足患如傷口潰瘍或細菌感染。所以定期的足部檢查和及時的治療都能幫助處理及預防各種不同的足患。足病診療可以幫助長者改善及恢復健康的步履,使他們生活得更有活力及健康。


糖尿病足部護理 Diabetic Footcare
10% of the Hong Kong population is diabetes of which 25% of these people will develop some kind of complications in their feet. These include vascular and neuropathic change in their feet. These involve the gradual loss of sensation and hardening of blood vessels of the feet. Patient usually experience numbness and coldness of their feet. A lot of foot injuries can happen due to the decrease in sensation. Regular podiatry care is important to maintain the healthy foot condition of the diabetes and to prevent the development of foot disease. Cushioning and accommodative , specialized footwear can be prescribed.

香港的人口有10%(十分一)是糖尿病患者,而當中約有四份之一會發展成糖尿病足部神經病變及血管收窄和硬化等併發症問題: 病人可能會感到足部冰冷及麻痺, 傷口亦容易潰爛及發炎或長久不能癒合, 腳部關節變形及足底產生厚繭、雞眼及厚甲等問題, 皮膚亦會較易乾燥及爆裂, 而最嚴重更會導致截肢的可能。因此糖尿病足部檢查對於糖尿病人是十分重要的, 這些檢查能及早發現問題從而加以處理。足病診療師在糖尿病患者、關節炎患者、雙腳變形、皮膚潰爛及慢性腳痛等患者的照顧扮演著一個重要而積極的角色。另外足病診療師會運用他們專業的知識為糖尿病人選擇一對適合他們的鞋子及提供一些適合他們的鞋墊去預防足部問題的發生或惡化。


人體生物力學評估 Biomechanical Assessment
Many foot deformities and foot pain are caused by mal-alignment of the joints of the lower limb , ankle and the feet. This cause pain and discomfort in our daily life and walking. We carry out detailed biomechanical examination of your feet and your walking and a treatment plan will be discussed with you and help you to restore the balance of your walking. 

成年人或兒童所感受的腳痛很多時是由於腳部的生物力學或結構性的問題所引致。由於足部是由很多不同的骨骼組織而成,而每一根骨骼及其關節都是相互配合和協調及根據特定的程序而完成我們每一步履。如果這些步行的過程有偏差或是由於骨骼關節勞捐或變形或先天性足部結構上的問題所影響, 足部疾病就會應運而生。而這些足部問題的病徵大多如痛楚, 紅腫, 發炎, 足腫漲, 肌肉拉緊等均會困擾著我們每一天的步行, 從而影響我們每天的運作。足病診療師會透過詳細的人體生物力學評估足部的問題及成因, 從而為患者配置合適的治療計劃,使他們的雙足恢復正常功能。



度身訂造矯形鞋墊 Custom Made Orthoses
Joint deformity, mal-alignment of joints, painful foot condition can lead to pain and discomfort in our daily life, We have different kind of functional orthrosis, accommodative insole and footwear to help you to restore the balance of your walking and let you enjoy your walking again.  



We welcome enquiry of your foot problems and individual treatment plan will be discussed with you and tailor made for your need.

讓我們來照顧你的雙足, 若對以上的資料有任何疑問, 歡迎隨時聯絡我們!!!
查詢熱線: 2838 8656